
Expert & Affordable Surgical Services for Pet Owners

We provide cutting edge, affordable surgical services to you, the pet owner, at our brand new state of the art facility.   Animal Outpatient Surgery of San Diego is located centrally in San Diego,  on Clairemont Mesa Blvd near the 805.

We offer these high quality surgical options as an alternative to the many talented board certified (boarded) surgeons located at the referral and specialty hospitals throughout beautiful San Diego.

We offer Lateral Suture and TPLO for treatment of cranial cruciate  disease (ACL tear) .

Imaging: High Definition digital radiography, CT scanning, and ultrasound are available for surgical planning and post-operative care

Regenerative Medicine: We offer PRP stem cell therapy along with many of our orthopedic procedures, and as a stand-alone treatment. Ask about how regenerative medicine could benefit your pet’s condition.

Below find a listing with explanation of the commonly performed surgeries, along with a link to the appropriate aftercare instructions. If you don’t see the surgery you seek on the list, we encourage you to contact us!

Anterior/Cranial Cruciate Ligament (ACL, CCL)

Cranial cruciate ligament, also called the ACL or CCL, is one of the most common orthopedic diseases in dogs, especially in Labrador retrievers, Staffordshire terriers, Boxers, Bichon Frises and Rottweilers.  There are several acceptable methods of repair with a range of costs and benefits.  We offer the Lateral Suture or the TPLO .  Schedule an appointment to discuss these methods of repair and decide which is best for your pet and family.  Post-ops

         For more details on cruciate disease, click here


Adrenal gland excision for tumors on the gland   Post-ops

Amputation:  digits, tails, limbs

Indicated for trauma, cancer or other problems causing loss of use of a limb, tail or digit  Post-ops

Anal Gland Ablation

We use an electrosurgical method to ablate the tissue which makes the fluid in the anal sac, which results in complete removal of these malodorous glands.  Post-ops

Cesarean section

Offering both planned and emergent cesarean sections.  Post-ops

Cherry Eye:  Prolapsed Gland of the Nictitans

This gland is repaired by the pocket technique, embedding it in the tissue of the third eyelid, as it is important in the pet’s tear production.  Post-ops

Cholecystectomy gall bladder removal

Indicated in severe or chronic gall bladder disease.  Post-ops


Castration when one or both testes are not in the scrotum, and are in either the inguinal canal or the abdomen.  Post-ops


Surgery of the urinary bladder for removal of stones, or to remove or palliate tumors.  Post-ops

Dental cleaning and surgery

Oral health is important to the general health of your pet.  Post-ops


Electro epilation of distichia, which are hairs growing from the conjunctiva of the eyelid and typically rub on the cornea causing ulcers.  Post-ops


Repair of the eyelid which is turned inward toward the cornea.  Post-ops


Removal of the globe indicated with various end stage ocular diseases.  Post-ops


Abdominal exploratory surgery for the purposed of diagnosis and repair of various problems related to the gastrointestinal tract or other abdominal organs.  Post-ops

FHO Femoral Head Ostectomy

Removal of the head and neck of the femur, resulting in a functional rear limb, indicated for problems with the head of the femur, including hip dysplasia, Legge-Calve-Perthes disease (vascular necrosis of the femoral head), and fractures of the head or neck.  Post-ops

Fracture repair

We concentrate on fractures that can be well managed with either pinning and wiring, or plating the broken bone.  We can review radiographs to help decide the best method of repair for the pet.  Post-ops


This is an incisional pyloropexy, whereby one section of the stomach is sutured to the body wall, which is a surgery meant to prevent gastric torsion, or gastric dilation and volvulus, often performed in large and giant breed, deep chested dogs.  Post-ops

GDV Gastric Dilatation Volvulus

Surgical resolution of stomach torsion.  Post-ops


Repair of hernia:  umbilical, inguinal, perineal, diaphragmatic or traumatic.  Post-ops

Laceration repair

Proper treatment of lacerations, before they become a problem!  Post-ops

Lateral Ear Canal resection

Indicated in dogs whose vertical ear canal is narrowed from disease, and whose horizontal canal is still open.  Early use of this technique in on dogs with chronic ear disease can help with long term management of otitis.  Post-ops

Liver Lobectomy

Removal of a liver lobe, most commonly performed for a solitary tumor in one liver lobe, this surgery can add years of life to middle aged and geriatric dogs.  Post-ops

Luxation reduction

Hip or elbow luxation reduction, and placement of appropriate sling.  Post-ops


Removal of part of the lower jaw, usually indicated for cancer treatment.  Post-ops

Mass Removal

Removal of masses in most locations, both benign and malignant, with evaluation of the surgical margin and of the mass itself.  Post-ops


Stenotic nares are common in brachycephalic breeds such as bulldogs and pugs.  Opening of the nares can result in better airflow and better quality of life for these pets.  Post-ops


Kidney removal, indicated in the case of cancer, and some forms of kidney cysts, or a ureteral blockage.  Post-ops


Castration of dogs and cats.  Post-ops

Osteochondritis desicans (OCD)

Surgical resolution of a soft spot in the bone under the articular cartilage, often found in knee or shoulder of dogs.  Post-ops


Elongated soft palate, everted laryngeal saccules, and stenotic nares are common in brachycephalic breeds such as bulldogs and pugs.  Surgical revision of all three areas to increase airflow can often lead to substantial change in quality and quantity of life for these breeds.  Post-ops

Patellar Luxation (MPL)

Repair of a luxating (sliding) knee cap.  This condition causes substantial lameness, and surgery will return the limb to function, and prevent progression of degenerative joint disease.  Post-ops

Prostatic cyst

This problem in older male dogs can cause urinary blockage and urinary tract infections.  Omentalization is the method used to resolve the cyst.  Post-ops

Perineal urethrostomy (PU)

Performed in male cats, this surgery is indicated for repeat or non-resolving blockage of the urethra.  Post-ops


Female dogs that are not spayed, can develop this life threatening disease where the uterus is infected and filled with purulent fluid.  Complete removal of the uterus, and typically the ovaries, is indicated here.  Post-ops

Salivary mucocele

Surgical removal of the salivary gland, indicated when the duct delivering saliva to the oral cavity has become compromised, resulting in a large buildup of saliva under the tongue and in the tissues of the neck.  Post-ops

Scrolled cartilage

Repair of a rolled third eyelid.  Post-ops

Portosystemic Shunt

Repair of the aberrant flow of blood bypassing the liver, typically diagnosed in young dogs.  Yorkshire terriers are a common breed example.  Post-ops


Ovariohysterectomy in dogs and cats.  Post-ops


Removal of the spleen, commonly indicated for tumor or torsion of the spleen.  Post-ops

Stifle exploratory

Surgical exploration of the knee.  Post-ops

Tibial crest avulsion repair

Common in immature dogs, repair of the tibial crest fracture by cross pinning.  Post-ops

Total Ear Canal Ablation with Bulla Osteotomy – TECA BO

This procedure removes the entire hearing apparatus and is indicated for chronic severe otitis media.  Post-ops

Tooth Extraction

Removal of diseased teeth.  Post-ops


Ultrasonic scan of the abdomen, neck, or extremities for diagnosis of disease and surgical planning

Urethral prolapse

This problem occurs most often in male dogs that have not been castrated.  Surgical resolution includes revision of the urethra and neutering the pet.  Post-ops


Most commonly performed in female dogs with recurrent urinary tract infections, this surgery removes redundant skin in the perineal area, normalizing the exposure of the vulva, and thereby reducing local pyoderma which can lead to UTI.  Post-ops