
Is TPLO surgery covered by pet insurance?

A Golden Labrador On The Examination Table At The Vet Getting A Checkup

Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy (TPLO) surgery is a common procedure recommended for dogs suffering from cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) injuries. This surgery stabilizes the knee joint, reducing pain and improving mobility. Given the high cost associated with TPLO surgery, between $3000 and $6000, many pet owners are interested in whether pet insurance will cover these expenses. This leads to the central question: Is TPLO surgery covered by pet insurance? 

What is Pet Insurance?

Pet insurance is a health coverage policy for pets that reimburses a portion of the veterinary costs incurred from illnesses, injuries, and other medical needs. Similar to human health insurance, pet insurance policies vary widely in terms of coverage, premiums, and exclusions. 

Factors Influencing Coverage of TPLO Surgery 

Pre-existing Conditions

One of the critical factors affecting whether TPLO surgery is covered by pet insurance is pre-existing conditions. If a knee injury or any related condition occurred before the insurance policy was purchased, it might not be covered. Insurance companies typically enforce a waiting period after purchasing a policy during which any injuries or illnesses that arise may be classified as pre-existing conditions. Therefore, it’s very important to purchase insurance before any issues develop to ensure coverage. 

Policy Details

The specifics of a pet insurance policy will determine what is and isn’t covered. Different policies offer varying levels of benefits, so it’s essential to select one that best suits your pet’s needs. Policies may differ in their coverage of surgical procedures, prescription medications, and rehabilitation therapies. 

Typical Coverage Scenarios 

Fully Covered

In some cases, TPLO surgery may be fully covered by pet insurance. This scenario is more likely if the policyholder has a comprehensive insurance plan that includes extensive surgical coverage and no pre-existing condition exclusions. Full pet insurance coverage means that the insurance will pay the total cost of the surgery after the deductible is met. 

Partially Covered

Partial coverage is more common and may involve the insurance company covering a percentage of the TPLO surgery cost. For example, an insurance policy might cover 80% of the expenses, leaving the pet owner responsible for the remaining 20%. Some policies may also cover specific aspects of the surgery, such as diagnostic tests and post-operative care, while the surgery itself might not be fully covered. 

Not Covered 

In some situations, TPLO surgery might not be covered at all. This could happen if the injury is deemed a pre-existing condition, if the policy excludes coverage for certain types of surgeries, or if the policyholder has not met the waiting period requirements. It’s essential to read the policy’s fine print to understand these exclusions fully. You don’t want to book TPLO surgery and then find out after the fact that your pet insurance has no surgery coverage. 

Some insurers and plans only cover accidents, or they cover accidents and illnesses, but not alternative therapies. By looking at illnesses or injuries that are specific to the breed of your dog, you can choose a pet insurer and insurance plan that will cover the unexpected and assist you in providing the best care for your pet. If you have a favorite veterinarian, also make sure that your insurance covers that specific vet, as some insurance policies are only contracted with specific veterinary practices. 

Some breeds are prone to CCL injuries, so if you have a Staffordshire Terrier/Pitbull, Labrador retriever, Newfoundland, German Shepherd, Rottweiler, or Golden Retriever, then it would be wise to have a pet insurance policy that covers TPLO surgery. 

Steps to Ensure Coverage for TPLO Surgery 

Choosing the Right Insurer 

When selecting a pet insurance plan that includes TPLO surgery, it’s essential to research various insurers and compare their policies. Look for insurers that specifically mention coverage for orthopedic surgeries or have a reputation for comprehensive coverage. Also, look at waiting periods and see if they have pet insurance with pre-existing condition coverage. 


Maintaining detailed veterinary records and documentation is vital. This includes records of all visits, diagnoses, and treatments. Having thorough documentation can support your claim and expedite the reimbursement process. 


Consulting with a variety of insurance providers can provide clarity on coverage specifics. Asking direct questions about TPLO surgery coverage, pre-existing conditions, and waiting periods can help you make an informed decision. It’s also beneficial to speak with your veterinarian, who might have experience dealing with pet insurance companies and can offer recommendations. They will know if an insurer takes too long to pay out or is prone to looking for loopholes to avoid reimbursement. 

The Importance of Pet Insurance 

Pet insurance can be a valuable investment for pet owners. It provides financial support in the event of unexpected medical expenses, ensuring that pets receive necessary care without the burden of high costs. However, it’s essential to weigh the pros and cons. 


  • Financial Security: Pet insurance can alleviate the financial strain of expensive veterinary bills. 
  • Access to Advanced Care: Insurance can make advanced treatments and surgeries more accessible. 
  • Peace of Mind: Knowing that your pet is covered can provide peace of mind. 


  • Cost of Premiums: Monthly premiums can be expensive, especially for comprehensive coverage. 
  • Exclusions and Limitations: Policies often have exclusions and limitations that might affect coverage. 
  • Potential Denials: Claims can be denied, especially if there are disputes over pre-existing conditions or coverage details. 


So, does pet insurance cover TPLO surgery? The answer is, “it depends.” Coverage depends on several factors, including pre-existing conditions, policy details, and the specific insurance provider. To ensure that TPLO surgery is covered, it’s crucial to choose the right insurer, maintain detailed documentation, and consult with multiple providers for clarity. If your pet insurance does not cover TPLO surgery and you are unable to afford it, then there are alternatives to TPLO surgery that you can discuss with your veterinarian. Let’s talk about it! 

In summary, pet insurance can offer significant benefits by providing financial security and access to advanced veterinary care. However, it’s essential to understand the limitations and exclusions of the policy you choose. By considering your pet’s needs and lifestyle, you can make an informed decision that ensures the best possible care for your furry companion. 

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