
The Post-Op Recovery Guide For Tooth Extraction

Medication: Follow the medication schedule exactly and give prescribed medications for the length of time indicated. NSAIDs should always be given with a meal to prevent stomach upset. Give the entire course of medications. If you miss a dose, do not double up the next dose. Simply resume the dosage schedule with the next treatment and keep giving the medication until it’s gone.

Feeding, Potty time:  A decreased appetite usually isn’t a concern for the first day after surgery. Feed your pet soft food for a week after tooth extraction. If your pet is not eating or drinking 24-36 hours after going home though, notify your veterinarian. Fresh water should always be available. Many pets will not have a bowel movement for 1 to 3 days after coming home. This timeframe is normally not a concern. If your pet does not produce any stool by 72 hours after returning home contact your veterinarian.